We exist to Glorify God by Loving God, Loving Others and making disciples of all nations.

Our Beliefs...

The Bible

Old and New Testaments are literally the Word of God, inspired and inerrant. It is the only perfect rule and source of faith, creed, and conduct.


Is a Spirit, a personal Being who is knowable. He eternally exists as a triunity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – three persons and yet one God.

Jesus Christ

Is eternal God. He became fully man, while remaining fully God, so that He could pay with His death the penalty we deserved to pay for sin.

The Holy Spirit

Is God. He exists as a separate person within the Godhead. His ministry to the unbeliever is to bring an awareness and conviction of sin. The Spirit’s ministry to the believer is one of regeneration, baptizing, sealing, indwelling, and filling.


Was created by God without sin. He sinned voluntarily, and all men now are under condemnation until they repent and trust in Jesus Christ.


From the eternal judgment for sin is possible only when we personally place our faith in Jesus Christ and believe in Him alone to save us.


We wholeheartedly adhere to the doctrinal statement of the Evangelical Free Church in America.